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About PAC Agents

A problem animal control agents ( PAC Agents ) are licensed ( issued permits ) division of fisheries and wildlife in accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. C. 131, s4 and 321 cram 214. The purpose of such licensing is to provide a lawful procedure for the control of animals that are causing damage to property or interfering with the reasonable use of such property. Problem animal control agents, including Municipal  animal control offices, can therefore provide social services when properly licensed. No person unless otherwise allowed by law, make control problem animals without such licensing from DFW. A problem animal control permit shall authorize the permitting to control problem animals of the following species; snapping turtle, starling, pigeon ( rock dove ), house ( English ) sparrow,  opossum, moles, rats, mice, voles, bats 9 except those species specified in listing in 321 CRM 10. 90), porcupine, raccoon, weasels, red and gray fox, and striped skunk. Other than the above listed species, PAC agents may also control coyotes  when the agent meets special requirements. In order to control problem coyotes A PAC agent must obtain a secondary certificate. Beaver control is contingent upon being named on an emergency permit obtained from the Board of Health in the town where the issue exists.

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